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Our catalogue

Get access to unique and exclusive brands

Medeo Group connects you to your marketplace, granting access to over 150,000 products from 6,000+ brands, featuring competitive prices, real-time price and stock updates, with shipping in just 48 hours.


In less than a year, Medeo Group has successfully partnered with 45 international marketplaces, achieving full operational status with our catalog in under 4 days on average, and creating all our products within a month's time.


Leveraging our advanced technology, Medeo Group has automated catalog integrations, enabling us to seamlessly integrate whether it's 1,000 or 150,000 products to your marketplace with equal efficiency. Furthermore, our strong partnerships with industry leaders like Mirakl, Shoppingfeed, and BeezUP further enhance our capabilities and ensure a streamlined experience for our clients.


At Medeo Group, we stay at the forefront of market trends and prices, continuously scouting for new products and emerging brands. Our goal is to ensure that your clients never have to leave your website in search of their desired products elsewhere. By offering a comprehensive range of products and keeping up with the latest trends, we enhance customer satisfaction and drive engagement, ultimately maximizing your online sales potential.

John Doe

Elevating Customer Experience: Our Exceptional Service

4.5+ average rating

We score on average 4.5 out of 5 star reviews from customers.

100% of orders are accepted

Without exception, we process thousands of orders every day.

10k+ messages handled monthly

10k+ messages handled monthly

In house customer service

Our in-house customer service team in France is fluent in French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Portuguese, ensuring effective communication with our diverse range of customers.

Contact us for more details!

Our response time to your inquiry is typically within two business days.